Harv is centered around the two young Swedish fiddlers Magnus Stinnerbom and Daniel Sanden Varg. After having started the band as a duo they are now a quartet after the addition of two new members: Christian Svensson on drums and David Tallroth on guitar. Together they have with their unique playing, and a lot of attitude created a musical language that makes Harv unique in today's Nordic folk music. And what the new Harv is saying is: "Quiet!"
The music is mostly original compositions by Magnus Stinnerbom, though now and then a few traditional tunes turn up. Magnus has composed music for the theater since he was 19 years old and most of the tracks on Harv´s new CD "Töst" (meaning: Quiet!) are basically songs that Magnus has now taken back! In Harv´s arrangements they have been given a completely new sound. What once was moody music to set the atmosphere on the theater stage is now transformed for the dance floor. With their new album "Töst", Harv has accomplished what they set out to do. They've recorded an album that makes people happy, want to dance and party and mostly- give it another listen! |